It's been so long since I've posted anything, I feel totally embarassed and a little bit ackward. Now I'm going to have to send emails out to people and let them know that I'm back.
I'm not actually back yet, still 3 more weeks of work to go (3 more weeks of milking the company teat for enough $$$ to sustain my scholastic endeavours for the winter), 1 more (hopefully) dentist appointment to fix the supposed-to-be-hidden bits in my mouth, 2 more trips through the seaway (also producing the aforementioned $$$), but then I'll be back in St. John's again! Drinking India beer at The Ship Inn whilst listening to the cacophany of that band from Fogo Island on amateur night (sorry, Christina, I will forever apologize for that), and trying to find a seat at CGTB's.
I'm getting pysched up for the research part of my thesis, and studying at the MI for my 1st Mate's ticket, and a chance to add more stress and sleeplessness to my career!
I'm busy looking at the apt ads on the MUN housing site, even though I can't do anything about them yet. I guess I just want to feel like I'm doing something productive. Besides I pay this hideous amount of $$$ for the privledge of having internet, I'm going to damn well use all the minutes that I've got.
I've linked to a new (to me) blog at the right. I picked up this one on Dreae's page and it's a hoot. Arse Over Teakettle.
Here's my furry mascot doing what he does best at Loch Ness this summer: