Saturday, May 06, 2006

Gromit Sees Canada (well, ok, the Eastern Part!)

Here is Gromit and I at the apt in St. John's prior to setting out on the great trek. We got off to a late start due to having to pack the jeep in the morning, rather than the night before (I don't trust my neighbours that much!), but got away by 10 to drive across Newfoundland. Here is a couple shots of Gromit on the road and taking in the view at Terra Nova Park.

After a long drive, Gromit made it to the night ferry at Port Aux Basques where he (and I) made an uneventful crossing to Cape Breton.
While driving through Cape Breton, we stopped at the Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Baddeck, and gave two Comissionaires the highlight of their day (and probably their week).

Our next stop was my old shipmate Rigel's house in Sunnybrook, Nova Scotia. Gromit enjoyed watching Rigel re-leather his oars in his kitchen, and then he watched from the shore as Rigel, his wife Ariel, and I went for a nice sail in the inlet.

This is the Dory Shop in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia where my friends Kim and Jill build dory's and sew sails, respectfully.

We left Nova Scotia behind and headed on to New Brunswick pausing now and again, so Gromit could stretch his legs and look at the scenery.

It was absolutely pouring all the way through Quebec, so we didn't get a chance to stop and look around, but headed straight on to Cobourg, Ontario, where my parents put up with us for the night, and Gromit was able to go for walk on the beach.
We left Cobourg behind and headed on to our final destination, Owen Sound. Since then Gromit and I have been busy emptying out our storage unit and moving things around, but we took time out for our traditional Saturday brunch at the GingerPress Bookstore and Cafe (shameless plug), where Gromit snuggled with MaryAnn, met the Mole Sisters and enjoyed a cup of Denise's java.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Love the Gromit photos! ;)