Monday, December 04, 2006

The Christmas Season

Skylarkd was writing the other day about the christmas tv season, about how all the old favourites were being replayed, like they are every year, and that the Christmas season wasn't complete unless she had seen a couple of them. Yes, they are cheesy, and we've all seen them lots of times. I made sure this year to pack a few holiday DVD's in my seabag to watch when I got homesick around this time. I'd love to find One Magic Christmas on DVD, but so far it eludes me. These are some of my favourite "new" classics.

a lot of time and energy trying to be curmudgeonly about the holidays (who am I kidding, not just the holidays, but everything in general) but the truth of the matter is that I love Christmas. My favourite Christmas thing when I was growing up was this totally funky paper Nativity scene. A couple of years ago, Mom gave it to me and apparently it had always been mine, a gift from a college friend of hers for me. Unpacking the Christmas books too, alway had a special appeal for me, like old friends that you only see once a year.

1 comment:

Papiermachemonkey said...

I always watch Rudolph. And, if I'm lucky, EBBY will be on, the Susan Lucci version of Scrooge. Classic stuff.