Thursday, January 11, 2007

Snow and Classes...Wheee!

This post head is like that old internet video about the squirrel (WHEEE!), except instead of "gonads and strife" it's snow and classes. It has at last, snowed! And we are in for more of it tomorrow. And I've dropped one of my distance classes already. 3 days into the new semester and I'm already sick of it. The main problem with this distance class, is that there is no textbook and the powerpoint (the saving grace of pathetic teachers) slides that are supposed to help me are next to useless. So I've dropped it and hopefully in the fall, someone more qualified (or enthusiastic) is teaching it.
And onto the snow! I've noticed looking out my kitchen window that someone has already shovelled the walk! I do like the included snow clearing in this place, after the herculean snow clearing at my last place.
Up at MI the other day, the instructor for my stability class was reading the attendance list, when I heard a familiar name, and sitting behind me was a woman, that had sailed on the Picton Castle with me! I haven't seen her in 8 years. Needless to say (seeing as the class was only about 20 minutes long) we got the hell out of there and went to The Ship to catch up on history over some India beer.


Anonymous said...

Exactly how much more school do you have......I'm 14 and your 40. I couldn't imagine being in school when i am 40. That would suck!

izenkumon said...

only 2 semesters to go, or after this semester 2 classes! Being in school when you are 40 isn't much different than 14, except that you can cut class to go to the university pub.