Saturday, January 20, 2007

Overheard at "The Ship"

I went down to The Ship for happy hour yesterday where I overheard this little gem:
"How was your week?"
"Well, the Prime Minister of Canada isn't spanking me with a bible, but aside from that, not bad"

Later on, I went out to the Rose & Thistle to hear the first set of Blair Harvey & The Dregs. Blair was in fine form, as usual, howling and wailing away on the tiny stage. I ducked out in the break and went down to CBTG's (if the original CBGB stands for Country Bluegrass Blues - what does CBTG stand for?) to see if anything good was playing. Unfortunately, I was sucked in by the poster on the door which promised "non-stop pounding from 11 till close" by some band called Queen's Maid. If it weren't for the beer being sold, I could have sworn that I'd walked into an all-ages show. The band had to be 19 at the maximum, and were either missing an amp (or two), or had been told by the management (or their parents) that they couldn't turn the volume up. They were so damn quiet (considering they were playing Zeppelin, Idol and a few others that they'd massacred into oblivion) that I could have a normal conversation in the back of the bar. At one point, the lead singer stopped playing and thanked someone named Erica for something. I didn't catch what it was for as I was laughing too hard, thinking that he was going to go on to thank "my mother for driving us down here in the mini-van." It was that kind of show. I got a couple of photos to comemorate the event and I got the hell out of there.


Dana said...

CBTGs: Closest Bar To Gullivers.

As in the taxi stand.

No, seriously.

izenkumon said...

Well, that's good, cause the best I could come up with was "Conception Bay, Torbay, Goulds"

AdamFireFist said...

CBTG stands for "Closest Bar to...


I spent, like, two minutes looking that up on the internets!

Dana said...

Adam: Hah-hah! (Nelson Muntz voice)