Saturday, January 21, 2006

Hello Firefox, Goodbye Exploder!

I've finally made the move from Internet Explorer to Firefox. I've had Firefox on my laptop for about 6 months now, but have only used it sporadically. I guess it was that two of my favourite toolbars, Roboform and Google wouldn't work in Firefox. Then last week, I downloaded the latest update for Roboform and with it came some increased compatibility for Firefox. And I realized that with the Google Deskbar at the bottom of my screen, I didn't need the Google toolbar on my browser. So I went back to the Firefox Extensions site and downloaded everything that looked interesting. And a few that looked fun, like Ping Pong! I picked up the Firefox version of Leechget, my download manager, plus Shockwave player, Adobe, Flash, and an IRC client. I un-installed Trillian, which was getting on my nerves (and I think letting in some spyware) and re-installed MSN Messenger. And I've completely fallen in love with the browser tabs. It's so much nicer than all the windows that explorer opens up. Last night Holli and I were playing Scrabble, I opened up all the word lists in tabs and it made all the difference. I enabled all the security features on Internet Explorer and then hid the link in my Documents folder. Unfortunately I can't delete Exploder entirely, because for some reason, my router doesn't like Firefox, so I need to keep it around to help restore my internet connection which the router drops every other day or so.

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